Meet Courtney
Courtney has been riding since she was six and teaching for 21 years. She has been awarded several champion titles and has shown innumerable times at the most prestigious shows in the country in both the hunters and jumpers. She also has a strong background in dressage and eventing and was an accomplished pony clubber.

Education & Training
Courtney has trained and also still clinics with the sport’s renowned Chris Kappler, trainers and Olympians such as Pam Graham, Chuck Waters, Anne Kursinski, Richard Rinehart, Rohanne Froh, Wendy Newby, and Kobi Rhodes; just to name a few. She is a very active member in the Miami Valley Hunt Club and Ohio Welsh Pony Association and has completed the Equine Breeding Management Course at the Ohio State University of Veterinary Medicine (January 1999).
Courtney Carlson is a 2004 graduate of Columbus College of Art and Design. She has earned a BFA in Fine Arts and a minor in Art History.
Courtney is a proud member of the following organizations:
Welsh Pony Association of America
USEF – United States Equestrian Federation
Ohio Quarter Horse Association – Lifetime Members
Ohio Hunter Jumper Association
Rocky Fork and Headly Hunt Master Fox Hunters’ Association